Superb February Crop Growth

We popped out to see one of our local clients at the beginning of February and were very impressed with the results. He uses EM across his entire property alongside a sustainable fertiliser program. The maize is irrigated and was standing close to 10 feet tall with a strong stalk and large cobs. This paddock had a straw and manure blend spread around pre-sowing which no doubt gives this crop a sizable advantage over others in the area with a terrific source of organic matter and Nitrogen being added to the ground alongside the quality nutrient program and EM, which would thrive with this type of organic matter in the soil. It will be interesting to see what the yield is at maturity given we still have plenty of growing to do yet. EM was sprayed onto the soil and organic matter pre-sowing at 10L per ha. 



The next crop we looked at was on the clay downs. This was a dryland fodder beet crop and also looked excellent. This crop had the benefit of some great rain in Canterbury during January and it looks like it has utilised every bit of that water. With great canopy cover this crop is set up for a huge yield. This crop had EM sprayed on at 10L per ha post emergence.