EM™ Heavy Metal Suppressing Effect March 24, 2023 In recent years, heavy metals have leached out into industrial waste from landfill sites and soil, and groundwater and the like are contaminated in many situations. Heavy metals such as...
Breaking Down Agricultural Chemicals by EM™ March 24, 2023 Due to agricultural modernization, we are currently faced with various problems by agricultural methods based on machinery, chemical fertilizers and agricultural chemicals that have been policy-driven after the war ....
The Impact of Soil Temperature and the Role Microbes Play March 24, 2023 Temperature is one of four main functions controlling plant growth. In addition to temperature; water, nutrients, and light control commencement of growth, rate of growth, and cessation of growth. A...
How to get the Perfect Lawn Without Using Chemicals March 23, 2023 Instead of chemicals that can harm the environment, and even pose risks to the people enjoying their perfect lawn, an organic microbial inoculant known the world over as EM, deliver...
A Trial showing the effect of EM™ on the Soil Properties March 23, 2023 In this trial (Valarini, Diaz Alvarez, Gasco, Guerrero, & Tokeshi, 2003) conducted in Madrid, Spain, the Properties of a clay loam soil enriched with organic matter and microorganisms were evaluated...
Tim Hawke, North Canterbury Farmer, Discusses Bokashi March 23, 2023 This video is of Tim Hawke a Sheep and Dairy grazer from Loburn, North Canterbury Farmer, discussing how he has made and used Bokashi, Fermented Organic Matter, on his farm...
Farmer and Consultant Discuss the use of Biological Fertilisers and EM on his Farm March 23, 2023 Ashley Seaton and Soil Consultant Calvin Bracken, Sustainable Soils, discuss the use of Biological Fertilisers and the Impact on the farm.
How EM™ Can Improve Your Calves March 23, 2023 Using EM in Calf Rearing has a number of benefits for both the animal and the system and will help limit problems generated from high density animal living. Intensive animal...
Sustainable Soils | Fertiliser Consultancy Interview with EMNZ March 23, 2023 EMNZ talks to Calvin Bracken from Soil Consultancy Sustainable Soils about his approach to improving soil health and fertiliser recommendations. His also discusses his history as a North Island dairy...
Using EM™ for Disease Protection March 23, 2023 EM introduced by Dr Higa initially was designed for improving soil quality and to speed up organic matter breakdown. Following widespread success in foliage applications boosting plant growth more time,...
Sustainable Wine Making March 19, 2023 Winemakers and Vineyard managers are in part “microbiologists”. By their different management options on the Vineyard, they can have significant affects on microbial populations, reducing or increasing the balance of...
The Adverse Effect of Fertilisers on our Soils March 19, 2023 Over the years we have steadily fallen into bad habits regarding fertiliser application. Underestimating the power of the soil, farmers have accepted the necessity of using manure or chemical fertilisers...