2022/23 EMNZ Onion Trial September 14, 2023 This field trial was designed to determine the effectiveness of EM treatment variations against Onions on a Canterbury farm
EM Fulvic | Video Product Overview September 13, 2023 This is a video description of our EM Fulvic product - EM Fulvic is a leonardite based, concentrated liquid product containing a minimum of 12.5% Fulvic acid combined with EM....
The Major Effects of EM on the Soil September 12, 2023 One of the strengths of EM is that it is a diverse combination of microbes, and this gives it versatility in terms of a wide scope of applications that it...
New Product: EM Plant Stimulant September 11, 2023 We are excited to be launching this new Product. EM Plant Stimulant promotes increased plant growth and boosts crop resilience and enhances our existing product range.
Plant Mineral Deficiency Guide September 10, 2023 Plant mineral deficiency symptoms are quite complex because each nutrient has a number of different biological functions and each function may have an independent set of interactions with a wide range...
Sheep and Dairy Grazer Tim Hawke discusses using EM on his Farm September 09, 2023 North Canterbury farmer Tim Hawke discusses the impact of EM has made on his farm and how he uses it.
Impact of EM on the Biological and Chemical aspect of the soil September 07, 2023 Soil fertility depends on three major interacting components: biological, chemical and physical fertility. This article is going to look at how EM will affect these areas through increasing soil biology,...
Managing soil biological fertility September 07, 2023 We currently understand less about how management practices affect soil biological fertility than how they affect soil chemical and physical fertility. However, the management practices described below may help improve...
Case Study | EM in Brazil Large Scale Farming September 06, 2023 This Case study looks at the Agrosalgueiro Group in Brazil which has started the use of EM in large scale since 2014. EM is being used to seed treatment, soil...
Farmer discusses impact of EM on clover and soil | Video September 05, 2023 North Canterbury farmer Murray Weaver discusses the impact of EM has made on his farm including soil structure and clover enhancement
A Terrific Lucerne Crop September 04, 2023 This Lucerne block is a great success story for our Farmer, Harry Pawsey, based out of Harwarden in North Canterbury. This story showcases how EM has helped this crop from...
Fodder beet Trial, Ashcroft Farm 2016 September 03, 2023 Over the 2015/16 season we conducted another Fodder beet trial in Mid Canterbury looking at EM and a number of variations and their impact on Fodder beet yield. The overall...