Spring into Summer in the Garden | Radio NZ interview April 25, 2023 Otaki-based organic gardener, Kath Irvine has been growing all the vegetables to feed her family of 6 for a couple of decades now. She gives advice to prepare for when...
The Effect of the Soils Bulk Density April 24, 2023 A soils bulk density plays a huge role in determining the effectiveness of the soil and the future productivity of a farming operation. Bulk density reflects the soil’s ability to...
How EM™ can Improve Carbon Sequestration April 23, 2023 EM is carbon builder rather than a carbon burner as such it can have a dramatic impact like all soil microbes on Carbon Sequestration. Using EM in soils increases organic...
EMNZ Thailand Tour 2019 April 22, 2023 EMNZ visited Thailand in July 2019. On this visit they went to an EM and Nature farming research farm, farmers using EM and Bokashi on Banana, Rubber and Cassava crops...
The Impact of EM™ with Poultry Manure April 21, 2023 Healthy nutrient dense and microbial rich soils produce more food and are more resilient to climate fluctuations and the impact the intensive farming has on our soils and crops. Many...
Utilising Waste to Improve Soil Health in New Zealand Farming | Large Scale Bokashi in NZ April 20, 2023 An in-depth look at Bokashi in New Zealand. Farmer Tim Hawke shows us how he is making a difference in New Zealand by using waste products to enhance the soil...
An in-depth look at EM™ Technology in New Zealand and the Company taking it into the 21st Century | Video April 19, 2023 In-depth interviews with Mike Daly, Founder and Paul Daly, Director, about EM in New Zealand, its roots and what they are doing to grow awareness in NZ. We also get...
Soil Compaction the Production Killer April 18, 2023 The threat of soil compaction is greater today than in the past because of the dramatic increase in factors such as stock density/stocking rate, heavy tillage and poor crop rotations,...
Mycorrhizal Helper Bacteria April 17, 2023 The Rhizopshere is a dynamic and complex environment where microbes, plants, through their roots, and soil elements interact. This Rhizopshere with an abundance of life, is an environment rich in...
EM™ and its Impact on the Quality of Compost April 16, 2023 This is a study which aims to assess the effect of EM application on the composting process of rice straw with goat manure and green waste and to evaluate the...
Effect of EM™ on Fungal Infections in the Soil April 15, 2023 This trial published in the Polish Journal of Natural Sciences in 2008 looked at the Effect of fungal infection and the application of the biological agent EM1 on the rate...
Why Earthworms are Important and how to Boost them April 14, 2023 Earthworms are one of the most important organisms in soils. Earthworms mix together different layers of soil and incorporate carbon in the form of organic matter into the soil. It’s...