

Promotes Plant Growth

Increase Leaf Area

Boost Root Development



We manufacture microbial products based on EMTM technology. EM is a unique combination of bacteria, yeasts and fungi used to activate and balance the naturally diverse microbiology in nature. EMNZ is a company focused on developing sustainable products for New Zealand, selling products to the agriculture, viticulture, and horticulture industries. Our philosophy is to promote the use of microbial products to boost production. EMNZ work with both biological and chemical based systems to enhance rather than negatively impact the environment.

Plant-Stim® is a cost-effective growth promoter for all crop production (fodder crops, brassicas, fruit, vegetables and cereals). This proprietary formulation sourced from plant extracts includes growth promoting substances including Natural Acids, Phenolic compounds and secondary metabolites, and is further boosted with EM and Fulvic Acid to further enhance plant uptake. Application of this formula is

designed to increase cell division rates which leads to production of larger root and shoot mass. When sprayed on plants during growth periods, it activates secondary messengers leading to enhanced response in plants that can increase the brix level in fruit. Plant-Stim® also increases mineral uptake from the soil, increases leaf permeability to water and foliar nutrition and enhances plant photosynthetic rate.

Application rate



Lucerne Trial – Canterbury

This on farm trial looked at the performance of Plant-Stim on Lucerne. The Farmer, Murray Weaver, wanted to apply Plant-Stim to an existing Lucerne paddock on his Farm outside of Loburn, North Canterbury. He was looking to boost Lucerne yield coming out of winter, after a very dry summer and autumn in Canterbury


In order to determine the effectiveness of PlantStim the farmer left a considerable strip untreated (1.4ha) and 5L/ha of Plant-Stim was applied to the treated area (4.8ha). The lucerne was mowed and made into baleage. The contractor via GPS was able to determine a huge increase in yield was achieved for Plant-Stim with the treated area averaging 8.9 bales per ha and the control averaging 5.7 bales per ha. This equates to over 50% extra in YIELD!!!!

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Independent Pasture Trial - Canterbury NZ

An independent pasture trial run by PastureFirst showed that EMNZ Products Enhance Production, Clover and help to reduce Nitrogen. All three EM products showed that they have a positive effect on pasture production. While on their own the level of dry matter production was lower than that of high rates of nitrogen, in combination with lower rates of nitrogen they provide significant benefits.

The total dry matter produced by combining either Plant-Stim or EM Soil and Crop with 40kg urea/ha, was equivalent to that grown by applying 80kg urea/ha. This means that farmers can reduce their nitrogen inputs, but can grow equivalent amounts of pasture by adding in one of theses EM products. This has significant production, economic and environmental benefits. The increased level of clover being able to be produced by implementing the above system, compared to high nitrogen systems, will also be a long-term benefit for pastoral farmers.

Wheat Field Trial – Canterbury

This trial was designed to determine the effectiveness of EMNZ Foliar Solutions against a control on Wheat, at Seatons Farm, Aylesbury, Canterbury. Cropmark have independently harvested the trials using a precision plot harvester. This was performed blindly, just numbers, no treatment description. They provide plot weights and grain weights. Data was then analyzed statistically.

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This trial was designed to determine the effectiveness of EMNZ Foliar Solutions against a control on Wheat, at Seatons Farm, Aylesbury, Canterbury. Cropmark have independently harvested the trials using a precision plot harvester. This was performed blindly, just numbers, no treatment description. They provide plot weights and grain weights. Data was then analyzed statistically.

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The below table shows the application costs for each product and the increase in revenue to illustrate how much extra prot each treatment made for the farmer.

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Independent Fodder beet Trial – Canterbury

This independent trial run by PastureFirst in Canterbury, NZ was a plot replicated eld trial conducted between November 2023 and June 2024 to evaluate the effect of Plant-Stim on Fodder beet yield.

The results showed Plant-Stim signicantly improved yield over the control including both top (leaf) and bulb yields and total yield compared to the control.


For Plant-Stim. 4L/ha was applied at a cost of $20/ha plus an application cost of $30/ha. The increase in yield was 1.2t with value of 35c/kg DM. This equates to an increase in Margin of $420 minus product cost of $20 and $30 application cost = total increase in prot of $370 per ha.

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Independent Maize Trial – Hawkes Bay

This independent trial run by PastureFirst in Hawkes Bay NZ showed that EM Soil & Crop + 40 kg/ha urea and PlantStim + 40 kg/ha urea had the highest maize yield of 29.30 and 29.45 t DM/ha respectively. These treatments were signicantly higher than 80 kg/ha and 40 kg/ha urea.

These results independently confirmed the following: Using EM will give a signicant and economic yield response when applied to a Maize Crop. •Both EM Soil & Crop and Plant-Stim are useful tools to stimulate a yield response in Maize. •Both EM Soil & Crop and Plant-Stim with a half rate of N, performed better than a full rate of N not containing EM

Leaf Left Leaf Right


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